
When you look at your current season, what do you think and feel and know?

Is it negative?

Is it hopeless?

Is it crushing?

Do you feel exhausted?

Do you feel weary?

Do you feel spent?

The in between of the struggle and the victory is a hard place to be.

You want to …

Turn around and go back to the comfortable.

Quit completely.

Sit down and cry.

You feel like why bother taking another step when you can’t see anything good, feel anything generous, or hope for anything gracious.

But you should bother.  Every time. 

Because God is working something out for your good and His glory.

And you may not be at the victory side of the process yet, but you are in the middle of an ALREADY moment.

You are ALREADY …

In the middle of a possible miracle.

In the middle of supernatural provision.

In the middle of divine strength.

In the middle of godly grace.


In this moment.


In your current situation.

And God has you positioned …

With past victories.

With present grace.

With future hope.

And there is something good, right where you are.  Because God has you ALREADY in the middle of His purposes.

Don’t believe me?  Look at Peter in Matthew 14:25-31 NIV: 25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. 27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” 28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

Peter was afraid, but he was ALREADY overcoming it when he asked Jesus to “tell me to come to You on the water” (28).

Peter was ALREADY hopeful for the impossible while he waited for Jesus to say “come” (29).

Peter was ALREADY positioning himself to move when he decided to step around his fellow disciples and climb “out of the boat” (29).

Peter was ALREADY ready to literally walk by faith when his feet hit the waves and he “walked on the water” (29).

Peter ALREADY knew his destination (the source of his confidence) as he stepped “toward Jesus” (29) … who was ALREADY where Peter wanted to be.

Peter was ALREADY in the middle of the miraculous before his feet got wet … because he was the only disciple willing to even consider getting out of the boat or the miraculous as a possibility.

And when he realized where he was and allowed the sensations of the storm around him to influence him (30), Peter was still ALREADY out of the boat and walking on the waves.

And even when Peter allowed panic and fear to take control of him, he was ALREADY in the middle of God’s mercy as “Jesus reached out his hand and caught him” (31).

See, even though Peter “saw the wind” (30) and allowed himself to be distracted by its presence, Jesus saw – and stay focused on – Peter.   And He ALREADY had grace waiting in every form Peter needed it.

Sitting in fear in the boat.

Getting out of the boat.

Walking on the water.

Sinking into the waters.

Focused on Jesus.

Distracted by the storm.

No matter where Peter was in his faith, God ALREADY had exactly what Peter needed to meet him where he was … and help him with exactly what he needed.

And God does the same for us!

God meets us where we are – whether we are stuck in our mess or reaching for our miracle – and He gives us the grace to take one step forward … then another … then another … until we are where He needs us to be.

And He walks with us, ready to catch us when we stumble and encourage us when we doubt.  He ALREADY has exactly what we need so we keep moving toward Him.

He didn’t let Peter drown in his doubts and fears.

He won’t let us drown either.

Even when we focus on …

The bad thing.

The hard thing.

The wrong thing.

The painful thing.

The troubling thing.

The destructive thing.

The distressing thing.

The depressing thing.

The dreadful thing.

Because Jesus is our Savior.

He is ALREADY working to …

Rescue us.

Redirect us.

Restore us.

Refresh us.

Renew us.

Refocus us.

Reform us.

He is ALREADY walking us toward what He already prepared for us to have.

Our answer.

Our blessing.

Our healing.

Our miracle.

Our dream.

And we need to give ourselves grace in remembering that we are ALREADY one decision, one day, and one devotion closer to our victory than we were yesterday.

So, what is your ALREADY?

Where does God have you so He can impart His grace to you?

Will you trust Him to be with you and lead you in the right direction?

Will you trust Him to get you through this ALREADY to your victory?

Because you may ALREADY be in the middle of your …





Don’t give up.

Don’t give in.

Don’t turn around.

Keep going, knowing you go with God.

And allow Him to transform this ALREADY into your victory.

Marie Fremin. 9/29/20, 10/31/20, 6/11/21.

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