
I read a very disheartening post last night that almost literally broke my heart.  Someone shared how she did not appreciate seeing “them” in church and did not want her children exposed to “them”.  So, she is going to find another church.

No, she does not know the person.

No, she did not speak to the person.

No, she did not interact with the person.

She had a passing glance of something and made instant conclusions and immediate judgments.

About the person.

About the “sin”.

About the church.

It does not matter what the “them” was.

It does not matter what the offense was.

What matters is the church should be a safe and welcoming place for “them”.

No matter where “them” have been.

No matter what choices “them” are making.

No matter who “them” love.

Because that is what Jesus would do.

Jesus did not care about politics.

Jesus did not care about nationality.

Jesus did not care about religion.

Jesus did not care about the past.

Jesus cared about people.

Jesus took the time, energy, and grace to see beyond all the external markers we use to judge and separate … and instead chose to move toward, to engage with, and to involve Himself with “them”. 

All ages.

All races.

All beliefs.

All citizenships.

All mistakes.

All sin.

All pain.

He did not discriminate.

And when He told us to love one another, He made it very clear HOW we are to do this – “As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34 NIV). 

This means we need to care about people too.

The same way Jesus did.

No matter how different they are.

No matter how much you disagree with their choices.

No matter how much their choices disturb you.

Jesus loves them, and Jesus is calling them to Him.

Jesus wants them to feel His love.

Jesus wants them to know His grace.

Jesus wants them to experience His forgiveness.

But how are any of “them” you want to be far away from you going to feel, know, and experience God without a first-hand encounter with Him?

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” (Romans 10:14 NIV)

Isn’t the best place for “them” in church?

Isn’t the hope of change for “them” in church?

Yes, that may mean “them” sitting next to you.

Yes, that may mean “them” speaking to you or shaking your hand.

Yes, that may mean “them” sharing your time and energy.

And that definitely means that you need to make an effort to accept “them”.

Just like Jesus.

Who made a point to love the unlovable.

Who made a point to seek out the sinner.

Who made a point to touch the untouchable.

Who made a point to heal the unclean.

Who made a point to forgive the unforgivable.

Who else would purposely stop and talk to the Samaritan woman at the well?  She was a “them” forbidden from speaking to Him for multiple reasons.

Who else would call a bunch of illiterate fishermen and a Roman tax collector to be His disciples?  They were each a “them” who were far from qualified to be religious leaders.

Who else would redirect a Pharisee intent on murder into a missionary who is still changing the world?  Saul was a “them” who became a Paul with new purpose, new focus, and new grace.

Who else would call an adulterous murdering David “a man after my own heart” (Acts 13:22 NIV)?  He was a “them” who was emotionally driven, sometimes to his detriment.

Who else would forgive the woman caught in adultery and release her to “go now and leave your life of sin” (John 8:11 NIV)?  She was a “them” who was seconds away from being stoned to death.

Who else would elect a foot-in-mouth, never-thinking-before-speaking Peter to be the leader of His love revolution?  He was a “them” who had the audacity “to rebuke Him” (Matthew 16:22 NIV) about His impending death.

Who else would make a covenant with the deceiving Jacob and then use him to birth the twelve tribes of Israel?  He was a “them” who cheated his way to blessing and birthright. 

And these are just a few examples of “them” in your bible … some of whom are touted as heroes of the Christian faith.

There are SO many MORE examples of “them”.  Because there is only person in the entire bible … and in the entire course of human history … who was NOT a “them”.

And here is a bitter truth that we “church folk” are quick to forget …

It is NOT us. 

It will NEVER be us.

Because we too are a “them”.

We all have an attitude, a mentality, a past, a predilection, a habit, or an addiction = aka SIN = that puts distance and enmity between us and God.

We all have too many reasons for God not to love us.

But He loves us anyway.

And He loves “them” anyway too.

And this is why my heart starting breaking last night reading about judgment instead of grace, conviction instead of compassion: are YOU too much of a “them” to become more like God and embrace the change God wants to work in you?

Why do you go to church if it is not to be more like God?

Why do you worship if it is not to be closer to God?

Why do you believe if it is not to know God?

And what good is your church, your worship, and your faith doing for you if you continue to dismiss, discourage, and disparage “them”?

I want to see people embrace the God in them, encourage the Savior in them, and energize the Spirit within them.

Let us rush to …




Please, can we be people of radical love instead of extreme judgment?

Please, can we be people of revolutionary grace instead of contrary division?

Please, can we be people of rebellious forgiveness instead of militant censure?

Please, can we just be more like Jesus?

Marie Fremin. 5/11/23

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